Mental Health

Studies show that athletes are just as likely to face mental health challenges as nonathletes. Many athletes do not ask for help because of the stigma associated with mental health. This can leave them feeling loneliness, abandonment, and not knowing where to turn.

We work with athletes to assess their mental health, recognize the challenges they are facing, and help them get the support and treatment they need to address their mental health issues.

Mental health issues we can help address include but are not limited to:

  1. Anxiety Disorders

  2. Mood Disorders

  3. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

  4. Eating disorders

  5. Peer to peer relationships

  6. Impulsive control disorders

Do you have an athlete or athletes struggling with a mental health issue?
Early intervention and getting help are critical to their success. Call us today for a free consultation to see how one of our certified mental health coaches can help.

Phone: 540 238-0121